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Dedicated solutions

Full system scalability allows for its further development by adding new functionalities. Analysis of an organizational structure constitutes a basis for offering the Clients a system which, apart from the basic modules, contains tools tailored to their individual requirements. Thanks to this, we deliver a tool fully satisfying the needs and expectations of clients, at the same time helping to maximize their effectiveness.

Dedicated Module

Dedicated modules are created based on the organizational need analysis. The analysis includes also the systems and IT tools currently used by the Client. This is because it is often necessary to integrate the modules with external platforms.

If you have any questions regarding our offer, please do not hesitate to contact us

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Logito Sp. z o. o. |
Warszawa, ul. Cybernetyki 19 B, tel.: 22 24 41 777 | Rzeszów, ul. Nad Przyrwą 13, tel.: 17 860 21 86, fax: 17 86 111 71
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